Well, I've finally taken this weblog live. I am so excited to have this blog out there. I hope that you all enjoy it and thanks for taking the time to stop by. I would love to get your feedback on these pages, especially since I am brand new to this "blogging thing".
I have to thank David Meerman Scott for all of the inspiration he has given me through his great book, "The New Rules of Marketing & PR" and his great blog, webinknow.com. This book was an unexpected encouragement, and before I read it, I had no idea what a blog even was. The most inspiring part of this book was that, through blogging, I could actually use my authentic voice to speak about what I am most passionate about and connect on a real level with real people. It has been nice to speak without being filtered through all of the usual PR hype that I normally am filtered through. So David Meerman Scott, thank you!
As I said, I am really looking forward to any suggestions and comments any of you out there may have, and thanks again for stopping by.